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Dr. Pimple Popper
Her actual name is Sandra Lee, but she is so popular in her field of dermatology that she is known by most people as Dr. Pimple Popper. In 2015, Dr. Lee began to provide a window into her job by filming dermatological procedures -- some quite gruesome, like blackhead extractions and cyst dissections -- and posting them to her website and across other social media outlets. Lo and behold, Lee gained a prominent online fan base, including a YouTube channel with more than 3 million followers called "Popaholics." Now comes a reality show on TLC, which says Lee is a "celebrity who has pioneered the fastest growing medical fascination in decades."
S1, EP6 "A Lipoma Jackpot"
Belinda's lump on her neck causes her to basically be immobile; Nicole won't get married until she gets her armpit lump removed; Adela's chest and back are covered in wisdom spots; Nick foolishly removes a lipoma at home and now needs Dr. Lee.
S4, EP2 "Peh-DUN-kyoo-LAY-ted"
Traci's confidence has been destroyed after years of bullying from the bumps on her face; Ravon has a unique dangling growth on his leg; David has a large lump.
S4, EP5 "Dr. Lee Nose Best!"
Tony has large growths on his nose that impair his breathing; Kevin has a bump in his jawline that is a lady deterrent; Marie has an unsightly lump on her forehead that makes her a hermit; Tommy's leg bump makes it difficult for him to work.
S5, EP6 "Cyster, Cyster"
Yaellie, 9, has itchy psoriasis on over 90 percent of her body; former U.S. Marine Matt has a large recurring lump in his armpit; twins Tracie and Stacie have numerous matching bumps on their heads that sometimes leak.
S9 "Pop Ups: Bubble, Bubble, Ear's in Trouble!"
Roger calls the growth on his shoulder his second head; bubbly teenager Jenna has a big bubble behind her ear; Susan is covered in bumps that get in the way of everyday life.
S9 "Pop Ups: Hard Knot Life"
Jason has lost confidence due to the large growth on his neck; Shawnell's mysterious head bumps have destroyed her self-esteem; Jim struggles to breathe around his nose growth.
S8 "Pop Ups: Alligator Skin"
With pop-up facts and behind-the-scenes secrets; Terry's nose growth has prevented him from meeting his grandkids; Remi has alligator-like skin; Austin has an embarrassing birthmark; Mary Jo has a throbbing neck bump.
S8 "Pop Ups: Brain Pimple"
Lattyse was born with a mysterious growth above her eyebrow that gives her headaches; Robert has a tomato-sized growth on his butt cheek that causes him pain and discomfort; Sharon has an embarrassing, stinky, squirting cyst under her breast.