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South ParkThe animated series is not for children. In fact, its goal seems to be to offend as many as possible as it presents the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. The show has taken on Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, politicians of every stripe and self-important celebrities. Oh, and Kenny is killed in many episodes.
S13, EP3 "Margaritaville"Randy steps forward with a solution to fix the desperate state of the economy.
S13, EP4 "Eat, Pray, Queef"Someone plays an April Fool's joke on the boys.
S13, EP5 "Fishsticks"The kids come up with the funniest joke of all time while helping Jimmy with his comedy routine.
S13, EP6 "Pinewood Derby"Randy comes up with a plan to help Stan win the Pinewood Derby.
S13, EP7 "Fatbeard"Cartman dreams of living the life of a pirate.
S13, EP8 "Dead Celebrities"Kyle brings in professional ghost hunters to help save his little brother from paranormal forces.
S13, EP9 "Butters' Bottom Bitch"Butters is determined to get his first kiss so his friends won't make fun of him.
S13, EP10 "W.T.F."The boys sign up for the school wrestling club in an effort to become professional wrestlers.
S13, EP11 "Whale W..."Stan's trip to the Denver Aquarium is ruined when the Japanese begin killing all of the world's dolphins and whales.
S13, EP12 "The F Word"The boys fight back against the obnoxious motorcycle riders that are disrupting everyone in South Park.
S13, EP14 "Pee"Things turn deadly when the boys spend a fun-filled day at the water park.
S14, EP1 "Sexual Healing"Some of the boys have a sex-addiction problem.
S14, EP2 "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs"The boys read a controversial book that inspires them to write one of their own.
S14, EP3 "Medicinal Fried Chicken"Cartman's favorite restaurant shuts down, and its replacement is a store that sells medicinal marijuana.
S14, EP4 "You Have 0 Friends"Kyle requested the wrong person as a friend on Facebook and all of his are deserting him.
S14, EP7 "Crippled Summer"Jimmy and Timmy go to camp with their friends.
S14, EP8 "Poor and Stupid"Cartman dreams of being a NASCAR driver and he is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
S14, EP9 "It's a Jersey Thing"New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time, Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park.
S20, EP8 "Members Only"The new president-elect visits his hometown.
S23, EP2 "Band in China"Randy sees an opportunity for Tegridy in China.
S8, EP8 "Douche and Turd"When PETA demonstrates against the use of a cow as South Park Elementary's mascot, the student body is forced to choose a new one; as the election approaches, Kyle and Cartman try to get votes for their candidates.
S14, EP10 "Insheeption"When Stan is sent to the school counselor because he's holding on to an obscene number of useless possessions, he realizes that Mr. Mackey had a hoarding disorder too.
S14, EP14 "Crème Fraiche"Randy's obsession with the Food Network forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own.
S15, EP1 "HumancentiPad"Kyle is involved in the development of a new product called HumancentiPad.
S15, EP2 "Funnybot"Jimmy hosts the Special Ed Department's First Annual Comedy Awards.
S15, EP3 "Royal Pudding"Ike is obsessed with the Canadian royal wedding.
S15, EP4 "T.M.I."Cartman is sent to anger-management therapy.
S15, EP5 "Crack Baby Athletic Association"Ground floor of Cartman's latest business venture.
S15, EP6 "City Sushi"Butters is diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder.
S15, EP9 "The Last of the Meheecans"Cartman joins the U.S. Border Patrol.
S15, EP7 "You're Getting Old"Stan's world view starts to change as well as his friendships just after his 10th birthday.
S15, EP8 "Ass Burgers"Cartman copes with Asperger's syndrome.
S15, EP10 "Bass to Mouth"Secrets are being leaked on a new gossip website.
S15, EP11 "Broadway Bro Down"After Randy takes Sharon to see a hit musical, he becomes Broadway's biggest fan.
S15, EP12 "1 Percent"99 percent is ganging up on Cartman.
S15, EP13 "A History Channel Thanksgiving"The boys are getting close to discovering the truth about the first Thanksgiving.
S15, EP14 "The Poor Kid"Kenny ends up in foster care after his parents are arrested.
S16, EP1 "Reverse Cowgirl"An unspeakable tragedy occurs when one of the boys leaves the toilet seat up after using the bathroom.
S16, EP2 "Cash For Gold"Cartman starts his own gem shopping channel.
S16, EP3 "Faith Hilling"The kids are in danger when new trends start to evolve and shift at a rapid pace.
S16, EP5 "Butterballs"An unlikely bully makes Butters his victim.
S16, EP6 "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining"The boys' ziplining adventure becomes a terrifying experience.
S16, EP7 "Cartman Finds Love"Cartman has decided to let a special someone know exactly how he feels.
S16, EP8 "Sarcastaball"South Park Elementary takes steps to address football's concussion crisis.
S16, EP9 "Raising The Bar"Cartman finally admits he's fat and immediately gets a mobility scooter.
S16, EP10 "Insecurity"Cartman signs up for a home security system.
S16, EP11 "Going Native"Butters decides to begin a journey where he will follow in the path of his Hawaiian ancestors.
S16, EP12 "A Nightmare on FaceTime"Randy's big plans for Halloween night keep Stan from trick or treating with his friends.
S16, EP13 "A Scause for Applause"A scandal has shaken everyone's beleifs, causing them to begin cutting off their yellow support wristbands.
S17, EP2 "Informative Murder Porn"To keep their parents from hurting each other, the boys use the game 'Minecraft' to distract them.
S17, EP3 "World War Zimmerman"Cartman thinks Token is a threat to everyone.
S17, EP4 "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers"The goth kids are sent to a camp for troubled children.
S17, EP5 "Taming Strange"Kyle and Ike start to grow apart when Ike hits puberty. Kyle tries to save their relationship by taking Ike to see a live performance of Yo Gabba Gabba.
S17, EP10 "The Hobbit"Wendy ends up in the counselor's office after trying to fix one of her girlfriends up with Butters.
S18, EP1 "Go Fund Yourself"The boys name their new startup company The Washington Redskins.
S18, EP2 "Gluten Free Ebola"South Park goes gluten free.
S18, EP3 "The Cissy"Randy is keeping a huge secret and the pressure is getting to him; Cartman calls Stan a cissy.
S18, EP4 "Handicar"Timmy gains a lot of enemies after his new car service becomes successful.
"South Park"The animated series is not for children. In fact, its goal seems to be to offend as many as possible as it presents the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. The show has taken on Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, politicians of every stripe and self-important celebrities. Oh, and Kenny is killed in many episodes.
S10, EP12 "God God Go I & XII"Cartman freezes himself in an attempt to make his three-week wait for a new gaming device pass quickly; a freak accident lands Cartman over 500 years in the future where there are warring factions and angry sea otters.
S8, EP10 "Preschool"For five long years, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman and Butters have kept a secret about an illegal incident that happened back in preschool; now, the kid who took the fall for the group, Trent Boyett, is out for revenge.
S8, EP11 "Quest for Ratings"The boys struggle to secure viewers for their morning news show.
S8, EP12 "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset"Fourth-grade girls try to impress their idol when she visits South Park.
S8, EP13 "Cartman's Incredible Gift"Cartman suffers a severe blow to the head after a nearly fatal fall; the local police force naturally assume Cartman now has psychic powers and they employ him to solve outstanding crimes.
S9, EP1 "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina"Mr. Garrison undergoes a sex change operation.
S9, EP2 "Die Hippie, Die"The citizens of South Park seek Cartman's help to battle hippies.
S9, EP3 "Wing"The boys start a talent agency hoping to make money.
S9, EP6 "The Death of Eric Cartman"Butters thinks he can communicate with the dead.
S9, EP7 "Erection Day"Jimmy must learn to control himself before performing in the talent show.
S9, EP9 "Marjorine"The boys fake Butters' death to reinvent him as a girl.
S9, EP10 "Follow That Egg!"When Ms. Garrison hears of Mr. Slave's impending wedding, she vows to stop same-sex marriage.
S9, EP12 "Trapped in the Closet"When Stan looks to new religions to cure his depression, church leaders recognize him as the second coming.
S9, EP13 "Free Willzyx"Kyle befriends a whale from the new Denver Sea Park; he convinces all the fourth grade boys to help him get his new friend back home.
S10, EP1 "The Return of Chef!"The boys notice something different about Chef when he suddenly reappears in South Park.
S9, EP11 "Ginger Kids"Cartman suffers from a mysterious and sudden on-set of the disease Gingervitus; sick and tired of being ripped-on because he now has red hair, light skin and freckles, he rallies all ginger kids to fight against discrimination.
S9, EP14 "Bloody Mary"Stan is embarrassed in front of his friends when his dad is arrested for drunk driving.
S10, EP2 "Smug Alert!"A disaster of epic proportions threatens the town and Stan is to blame.
S10, EP5 "A Million Little Fibers"Towelie writes his memoirs and the published work is chosen to be part of Oprah's Book Club.
S10, EP6 "Manbearpig"When the boys are trapped in a cave-in, Cartman discovers treasure.
S10, EP7 "TSST!"The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, takes on his biggest challenge to date when he signs on to discipline Eric Cartman.
S10, EP8 "Make Love, Not Warcraft"The boys must stop a renegade player who threatens to destroy "World of Warcraft."
S10, EP10 "Miss Teacher B... a Boy"When Kyle discovers that a teacher is having sex with a student, he and Cartman have to team up to put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.
S10, EP11 "Hell on Earth 2006"A prominent religious organization, an ex-lover and serial killers threaten Satan's Halloween costume party.
S10, EP14 "Stanley's Cup"Stan is haunted by memories of his pee wee hockey career when he becomes the coach of the team.
S11, EP2 "Cartman Sucks"Another one of Cartman's practical jokes puts Butters in a compromising position, and Butters' dad sends him to a camp to straighten him out.
S11, EP3 "Lice Capades"An infestation of head lice plagues South Park Elementary; when Garrison refuses to name names, Cartman finds a way to detect who has lice so they can make fun of the unfortunate kid.
S11, EP4 "The Snuke"Hillary Clinton comes to South Park for a campaign rally; Cartman follows a lead on a possible terrorist attack.
S11, EP5 "Fantastic Easter Special"Stan searches for the real story behind eggs and bunnies in the Easter ritual.
S11, EP6 "D-Yikes"When Ms. Garrison is the victim of another failed relationship, she takes it out on the fourth-graders.
S11, EP7 "Night of the Living Homeless"The boys attempt to find a solution to the increasing number of homeless people in South Park.
S11, EP9 "More Crap"Randy becomes a local hero when he thinks that he may have broken a world record.
S11, EP1 "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson"South Park citizens contend with widespread use of a racial slur.
S11, EP8 "Le Petit Tourette"Cartman discovers the joys of having Tourette's syndrome; drunk with the power of saying whatever he wants without getting in trouble for it, he lines up National TV Coverage to take advantage of his new life with no filters.
S11, EP13 "Guitar Queer-O"Stan's superior skills on "Guitar Hero" damage his friendship with Kyle.
S11, EP14 "The List"A secret list created by the girls in the fourth grade, rates every boy's looks from cutest to ugliest.
S12, EP1 "Tonsil Trouble"Cartman comes face to face with his own mortality when his routine tonsillectomy goes horribly wrong.
S12, EP2 "Britney's New Look"When the boys help Britney Spears get to the North Pole, they discover the shocking secret behind her popularity.
S12, EP3 "Major Boobage"In a South Park homage to the 1981 film, Heavy Metal, the boys are trying to get Kenny off the latest drug craze that's captured the junior high and under set.
S12, EP4 "Canada on Strike!"The head of the World Canadian Bureau leads the country into a strike and the responsibility of brokering a settlement rests with the boys.
S12, EP5 "Eek, a Penis!"While Ms. Garrison is off trying to find a way to become the man he was always intended to be, Cartman is put in charge of the classroom.
S12, EP6 "Over Logging"Randy packs up his family and heads west when he wakes up to find the Internet is gone.
S12, EP7 "Super Fun Time"While the kids are on a field trip to a living museum, Cartman makes Butters sneak away from the class to go to the amusement center next door.
S12, EP8 "The China Probrem"Butters stands with Cartman as he confronts the Chinese after a tragic event.
S12, EP9 "Breast Cancer Show Ever"Wendy gets in trouble when she threatens to beat up Cartman after school.
S12, EP13 "Elementary School Musical"The boys must embrace the latest fad to hit South Park Elementary or risk their status as the coolest kids in school.
S12, EP14 "The Ungroundable"The Goth Kids are angry when the other children can't tell the difference between a goth and a vampire.
S13, EP1 "The Ring"Kenny takes his girlfriend to a Jonas Brothers' concert.
S13, EP2 "The Coon"A vigilante rises from the trash and attempts to wipe out crime in the town of South Park.
S25, EP4 "Back to the Cold War"A lot is riding on Butter's ability to crush the competition in the all-important dressage championship.
S20, EP1 "Member Berries"An American icon gives the National Anthem a reboot.
S19, EP2 "Where My Country Gone?"Garrison decides he wants to build a wall to keep out all of the undocumented immigrants.
S17, EP1 "Let Go, Let Gov"When Cartman infiltrates the NSA, he is unhappy with the contents of his personal file.
S16, EP14 "Obama Wins!"Eric Cartman is hiding something in his bedroom that could change the outcome of the presidential election.
S12, EP12 "About Last Night..."While the country celebrates the outcome of the election, the new President-elect arrives at the White House prematurely.
S10, EP9 "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce"Cartman exposes the true culprit behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
S7, EP4 "I'm a Little Bit Country"The boys learn about the politics of war and the consequences of homework.
S2, EP8 "Summer Sucks"A ban on fireworks threatens the 4th of July festivities until the mayor comes up with a plan to put South Park on the map.
The animated series is not for children. In fact, its goal seems to be to offend as many as possible as it presents the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. The show has taken on Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, politicians of every stripe and self-important celebrities. Oh, and Kenny is killed in many episodes.
Original Air Date: Aug 13, 1997
Genres: ComedyTV Series
Rating: TVMA
Playback: HD
9 seasons available on demand (9 episodes)
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