From car chases and captures to robberies and riots, watch the most outrageous police videos on this 24/7 channel of World's Wildest Police Videos hosted by retired Sheriff John Bunnell.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S4, EP11 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

A suspect, who hijacks a milk truck, is stopped by spike strips; a drunk plunges head first into a wall; police shoot out a suspect's tires.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S5, EP9 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

A prison-wide fight, a pistol-packing drug thief and a stolen school bus.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S6, EP6 "Getting a Ticket in America"

This special features the wildest roadside stops caught on camera.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S5, EP6 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

Police footage of a fight outside a courthouse, a convicted sex offender and an armed bank robber.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S3, EP10 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

An undercover cop poses as hit man; a garage drug lab bursts into flames; a robber's father assists in arrest.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S4, EP14 "Nevada Police Chase"

Nevada's highways become a battleground; a reckless driver and a daring robbery attempt create a tense situation for local law enforcement.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S5, EP1 "One Bullet Away From Insanity"

A car bomb, a suspect who lights himself on fire, and a father and son who launch into a deadly shootout with the police.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S2, EP1 "Episode 2.1"

A convenience store clerk is involved in a shootout with two robbers; a high-speed pursuit is blocked by a car; a 24-day prison riot.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S6, EP8 "Code Red: Moment of Survival"

This special features daring emergencies and rescues caught on tape.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S3, EP1 "Shocking Crashes and Chases Special Edition"

A female clerk with a gun surprises a convenience-store robber; a suspect leaps from a speeding car; armed robbers ruin a police sting.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S1, EP1 "High Speed Car Chase"

A look at a Minnesota riot; the bravery of undercover cops in a risky Florida drug bust.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S3, EP4 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

Texas chase, gas station robbery and a wild soccer riot in the Netherlands.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S4, EP9 "Liquor Store Robbery Footage"

A Colorado chase hot on the heels of a liquor store robber; riots engulf Argentina.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S3, EP2 "Worst Drivers & Stupidest Criminals Special Edition"

Teenagers steal a van and lead police on a 50-mile chase; police try to subdue a suicidal driver by shooting out his tires.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S4, EP12 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

A stolen vehicle smashes into parked cars; a parole violator tries to elude police; a drunken driver crashes into a concrete divider.

World's Wildest Police Videos

S2, EP8 "World's Wildest Police Videos"

Drunken driver claims he is a CIA agent; liquor-store shootout; high-speed chase; naked woman; good Samaritans.

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