Waypoint TV is the destination for outdoor entertainment - featuring the world’s best fishing, hunting and outdoor adventure programming.

Chasin' the Sun

S9 "Dog Daze Delight"

Capt. Justin Leake and Meredith McCord divert attention from what's not happening with the tarpon bite to using CoastMaster, light tackle and experience to find snapper success on heavily fished public spots.

The Journey Within

S5 "Late Season Snowy Alberta Elk Hunt"

Mark Peterson heads north to Alberta on a late season elk hunt, in which revenue goes back to the province of Alberta to fund conservation program studies for elk, bighorn sheep and mule deer.

The Journey Within

"The Journey Within - Hunting 4 Horn Ram In Argentina"

A Bird Hunter's Diary is Mark Peterson's quest to hunt and harvest the 43 different species of waterfowl; this quest takes him into three different countries, 8 states, and includes over 110 days in the field, all in one season.

The Journey Within

S5, EP5 "Bowfishing Florida Gators"

Mark Peterson is looking for gator number two; after being successful on the morning hunt with his Gunwerks, Mark adds the AMS big game bowfishing kit to his Mathews and heads back out to the swamps in search of his first gator with a bow.

The Journey Within

S5, EP3 "Limits of Pheasants In Nebraska"

Mark and his dogs travel to Nebraska to hunt free-range pheasants with his dad, Earl, and host Ryan Watchorn of Worldwide Trophy Adventures; the group spends two days getting after a limit of pheasants while also getting Ryan's son his first bird.

The Journey Within

S6, EP4 "Just One More, Duck Hunting In Argentina"

Mark's time in Argentina is winding down and he needs just one more species before moving on to Peru: the Brazilian Teal. The guides have seen a few in the area so Mark and his crew try some new tactics, hoping to close in on the 13th and final species on this leg of the journey.

The Journey Within

"Argentina Red Stag"

Mark Peterson chases after a red stag, black buck and fallow deer; on this adventure, Mark is joined by his dad Earl, brother Aaron and nephew Alec to chase some of the biggest free-range red stags in the world.

The Journey Within

S6, EP6 "Cinnamon Teal Everywhere- First Hunt in Peru"

Mark's quest for the South America Waterfowl Slam has now taken him to Peru where he finds a surprising density of Cinnamon Teal. Although he already checked this species off the list in Argentina, his first hunt in Peru proves to be one of the best Cinnamon Teal shoots of his life. This is only the first afternoon and there are 5 days left to hunt the remaining 7 species.

Flats Class

EP11 "Flyin' Bryon"

Learning the fundamentals of flats fishing and the advanced tactics used by proven tournament anglers.

Chasin' the Sun

S7, EP4 "Chasin' a World Record Part 1"

Capt. Justin Leake and champion angler Meredith McCord explore public waypoints and attempt to land a world record amberjack on light line; Panama City Beach's backyard is the site of an epic battle in the first of two amazing episodes.

Chasin' the Sun

S7, EP5 "Chasin' a World Record Part 2"

Renowned angler Meredith McCord and Capt. Justin Leake continue their quest for a line class world record; when struggles begin the moment they leave the dock, grit and lady luck ensure an epic day ends in grand style.

Deer and Deer Hunting TV

"Whitetail Billboards"

Deer & Deer Hunting never underestimates the power of a good mock scrapes, but to use them effectively, one must first understand them.

Wentz Brothers Outdoors

S1, EP5 "Badlands Buck"

Zach Wentz hunts whitetails in North Dakota; what starts as a typical hunt turns into a spot and stalk hunt.

Wentz Brothers Outdoors

S2, EP5 "The Loppy One"

Cameraman Kyle gets behind the bow for a couple of hunts in Kentucky and connects with his first buck in over 5 years.

Winchester Life

S3, EP3 "New Mexico Magic"

Highlighting the stories and people who have made the shooting sports and hunting lifestyle a part of their lives.

Winchester Life

S3, EP2 "The Legend of Stuttgart"

Highlighting the stories and people who have made the shooting sports and hunting lifestyle a part of their lives.

Included with Fubo