Put on your trench coat and join Robert Stack in a never-ending marathon of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. This series covers crimes, tales of lost love, unexplained history and paranormal events.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S5, EP10 "Episode: 10"

George Anderson; "UD: Brother X and Strangulation Saga."

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S8, EP1 "Episode 1"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP8 "Episode 8"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP1 "Episode 1"

This episode includes: Update: Molester Cop, Thanks Lieutenant Stevens and Roswell Pts. 1 & 2.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S7, EP8 "Episode: 8"

Drug family fugitives; ghost writer; "Is Borton Back?;" Viet pilot's daughter.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S11, EP4 "Episode 4"

Twisted Sisters & UD; Mad Maggio & UD; ATM Mystery & UD and Five Separated Siblings & UD.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S6, EP22 "Episode: 22"

The Boston Strangler, Parts one and two, UD, Secret Hiding Place and UD and Wrong Place, Wrong Time.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S6, EP14 "Episode: 14"

Mystery mummy; Mississippi hangings; killer boyfriend; Baby Girl X; Jeanne Boylan.

Unsolved Mysteries

S1, EP2 "Folge 2"

New data arises about hijacker D.B. Cooper; Babe Ruth's missing uniform; two Arkansas teens die mysteriously.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S6, EP16 "Episode: 16"

Lourdes; drug playboy; Sunnyvale stalker; tornado baby.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP12 "Episode 12"

Hat Box Baby; John Branion Pts. 1 & 2 & UD; Santa's Baby & UD.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S3, EP15 "Episode 15"

Teen Tragedy; Update: Jim and Tammi; State Department Murder; Lost Adams Diggings.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S5, EP24 "Episode: 24"

Miram's memory; ghost blimp; fugitive fireman; Russian roulette.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S5, EP6 "Episode: 6"

Dreams come true; New Orleans killer; comic relief; J.D. method.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP14 "Episode 14"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP15 "Episode 15"

Wheat fields; hit and run; update on Sharon's search; novel disappearance.

Included with Fubo