Put on your trench coat and join Robert Stack in a never-ending marathon of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. This series covers crimes, tales of lost love, unexplained history and paranormal events.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S7, EP20 "Episode: 20"

Mystery hum; school bus family; "Car Crash Thank You;" dial's escape; "Taking a Dive."

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S2, EP17 "Episode 17"

"Thanks Captain Sharp;" Harold and Ma; over the edge; Ogo Pogo.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S6, EP4 "Episode: 4"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S5, EP4 "Episode: 4"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries

S3, EP1 "Unsolved Mysteries"

Pennsylvania UFO crash; father and daughter reunited after 31 years; search for an arsonist.

Unsolved Mysteries

S10, EP9 "Episode 9"

This episode includes: Cheerleader Murder, Phoenix UFO, Marine Destroyed & UD, Murdered Mom, Missing Baby and UD: Last Wish, Lost Love.

Unsolved Mysteries

S11, EP11 "Episode 11"

This episode includes: The Other Intern & UD, Artist for the Persecution, Waag, the Dog & UD and Patti's Little Girls & UD.

Unsolved Mysteries

S10, EP2 "Unsolved Mysteries"

A Short Walk Home, Dinnertime Bandit; Bible Code, Missing Florida Baby; Hell's Angel Fugitive and UD: Breako.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S9, EP10 "Episode: 10"

Oliver, a "manpanzee;" Dennis Keith Smith and UD; blood ties; desperately seeking Susan; "Little Beauty Queen Death."

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S8, EP14 "Episode 14"

Oklahoma City rescuers; baby given away; Carolina cop killer; Vince Foster and crime novelist.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S4, EP11 "Episode: 11"

Best friends; Marine captain murder; Florida fires; Stamper's rampage and Mucho Oro.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S1, EP9 "Episode 9"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S7, EP8 "Episode: 8"

Drug family fugitives; ghost writer; "Is Borton Back?;" Viet pilot's daughter.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S4, EP15 "Episode: 15"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries With Robert Stack

S6, EP5 "Episode: 5"

An exploration of Bigfoot II, threats and harassment, murder by arson, and more.

Unsolved Mysteries

S3, EP16 "Unsolved Mysteries"

Washington teen's controversial death; model citizen allegedly kills family; apprehension of two fugitives.

Included with Fubo