TED delivers a jolt of creativity and a dash of inspiration. Watch world's greatest thinkers and doers share fascinating ideas worth spreading.

Justice By (Re)design

S1, EP10 "Justice By (Re)design"

What obligation do social media platforms have to the greater good, Eli Pariser; a new approach to defending the human rights of migrants, Itamar Mann; Africa's great carbon valley and how to end energy poverty, James Irungu Mwangi.

Secrets of the Wild

S1, EP3

The Future of Cities

S1, EP10 "The Future of Cities"

1) Lessons from people already adapting to the climate crisis Dorcas Naishorua 2) How buildings can improve life 'Äî inside and out Doris Sung 3) How pigeons took over the world Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles 4) Meet mini-grids - the clean energy.

Lead the Way

S1, EP6 "Lead the Way"

Paul Hudson and Lindsay Levin discuss leadership in the age of AI; Sofia Ongele talks about how creative superpowers can help protect democracy.

Your Purpose, Unlocked

S1, EP3

"How to Enter Flow State" by Ted-Ed, "What Are You Willing to Give Up to Change the Way We Work?" by Martin Danoesastro, "2 Questions to Uncover Your Passion -- and Turn it Into a Career" by Noeline Kirabo, "How to Lead in a Crisis" by Amy C. Edmondson, "Your Invitation to Disrupt Philanthropy" by Sara Lomelin, "How Reverse Mentorship Can Help Create Better Leaders" by Patrice Gordon.

Tales from the Edge

S1, EP9 "Tales from the Edge"

"How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe" by Jedidah Isler; "What's happening to Earth's core?" by Shannon Odell; "The boiling river of the Amazon by Andrés Ruzo; "Where is home?" by Pico Iyer.

How to Be a Better You

S1, EP10 "How to Be a Better You"

"3 Elements of True Fun -- and How to Have More of it" by Catherine Price; "Do You Really Need 8 Hours Of Sleep Every Night?" by Jen Gunter; "How Friendship Affects Your Brain" by Shannon Odell, as well as two more talks.

Universe of Mystery

S1, EP10 "Universe of Mystery"

The reason behind scientists shooting mushrooms into space; the search for proof that aliens exist; Earth may someday look like Mars; how small humans are in the scale of the universe.

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