Sensical Gaming features the biggest names in gaming playing kids’ favorite games all in one streaming channel. From tips and tricks, to hilarious challenges, to step-by-step tutorials, skilled gamers share their strategies, expert insights and epic gameplay footage as they navigate their way through the most popular games of the season.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Survival Mode (Part 11)"

Eep explores the new world update, builds his house, and fights squids.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Bakes a Cake"

It's the king's birthday and Eep heads to Old MacDonald's farm to make a cake.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep And Jack Roller Coaster Challenge (Part 5)"

Eep and Jack go on a coaster challenge as they ride, play and parkour in the Minecraft world.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Princess Castle Construction With Mary (Part 5)"

Mary and Eep add an indoor pool and more to their rainbow castle.

Zebra Gamer

Zebra Gamer

Zebra Gamer

Zebra Gamer

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Survival Mode (Part 16)"

Eep heads out at night to fight zombies, explore a village, and more.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Survival Mode (Part 17)"

On a rainy day, Eep builds the third floor of his house, crafts a suit of armor, and more.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Survival Mode (Part 9)"

Eep works to protect his house from zombies before night falls.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Eep Survival Mode (Part 9)"

Eep works to protect his house from zombies before night falls.

Minecraft: Mother Goose Club

"Who Is It? Eep!"

Eep builds a large picture of himself in sped-up time.

Zebra Gamer

Zebra Gamer

Zebra Gamer

Included with Fubo