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Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP39 "Robotnik's Pyramid Scheme"

Robotnik and his followers head for ancient Mobegypt, where they can find the Emerald of Immortality.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP40 "Prehistoric Sonic"

The Badniks go back to the Mesozoic Era and steal the Emerald of Life, but not before Robotnik kills his Dumbniks. Sonic is too late to stop him.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP49 "Baby Sitter Jitters"

When Sonic rescues a village from a flash flood, he gets stuck with the job of baby-sitting three rambunctious baby groundhogs.

Flame of Recca

S1, EP11 "The Five Fangs of Kogonanki!"

Recca must survive the evil lair of Mokuren.

Flame of Recca

S1, EP12 "Kurenai the Flame: The Angel of Death!"

Kurei has a deadly card up his sleeve.

Flame of Recca

S1, EP13 "The Ultimate Flame! Legend of the Fire Dragons"

Recca partners with an unlikely ally.

Flame of Recca

S1, EP14 "The Past Revived: The 400-Year-Old Truth!"

Kage Hoshi reveals the truth of Recca's birth.

Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting - Rising

S1, EP34 "The Rookie King"

Ippo and Sendo keep fighting, the crowd starts cheering Sendo on and the match reaches its climax.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP29 "Attack on Pinball Fortress"

Sonic, Wes Weasley and Sergeant Doberman attempt to breach the defences of Robotnik's new fortress, and none of them can stand the sight of each other.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP46 "Mass Transit Trouble"

Robotnik decides to cripple Mobius' three major transit systems, Rail, Air, and Sea, to fully gain control of the planet; Sonic has to circumnavigate the planet to save the day.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP31 "Coachnik"

Robotnik constructs a P.T. robot in an attempt to increase Scratch, Grounder, and later, Coconuts' fitness; Sonic tries to use Robotnik's equipment against the Robots.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP41 "Untouchable Sonic"

Sonic comes to the rescue of a town that is being held ransom by a crime syndicate.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP45 "Super Robotnik"

Coconuts inadvertently creates a super-power formula when his janitor bucket spills in the lab; Robotnik falls into it and becomes Super Robotnik, then challenges Sonic to a fight.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP7 "Robolympics"

An asteroid is heading for Turtle Town; Robotnik offers to save it only if Sonic agrees to play in the Robolympics against Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP24 "Magnificent Sonic"

After defeating Six-Gun Pete, Sonic is made into a sheriff of Tranquil Gulch and has to defend it from Dr. Robotnik.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP37 "Black Bot the Pirate"

Robotnik waits for Professor Caninestein to make his time machine so he can go back in time and steal four chaos emeralds and gain the powers of invisibility, invincibility, immortality and life.

Included with Fubo