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EP11 "Me and My Shadow Sword"

Space Medafighter X teaches Koji the Shadow Sword technique.

Astro Boy

S1, EP1 "The Birth of Astro Boy"

Dr. Boynton, a scientist, creates a robot with powers in the image of the son he lost; he creates the robot with a heart.

Astro Boy

S1, EP3 "Robot Circus"

Toby wakes up at the circus surrounded by the ring master, his employee and the robot star of the circus; Toby is given daily chores and performs a clown act in the show.

Astro Boy

S1, EP4 "Save the Classmate"

Rescued from the circus by Dr. Elefun, Astro Boy struggles with being bullied by classmates.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP52 "Road Hog"

Sonic loses his memory when Robotnik uses a hypnotic flower pollen on him and tells him he's just an ordinary guy; with Tails trying to remind him who he is, Sonic joins a Hog Biker gang and hits the open road.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP64 "The Robots' Robot"

Scratch and Grounder build their own robot, a naive, overgrown kid called Robot, who leaves them and befriends Sonic instead.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP63 "Tails' Tale"

When Sonic vanishes mysteriously, Tails enlists the help of a bi-plane pilot named William Le' Duc and professor Von Schlemmer.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP65 "Hero of the Year"

Wes Weasley sells out to Robotnik and lures Tails, Sonic and all of their friends to a yacht under the guise of a Hero of the Year ceremony to thank Sonic.


EP10 "For Better or Worse"

Koji and Sumilidon defeat Metabee but think Ikki threw the match.

Astro Boy

S1, EP44 "The Snow Leopard"

Strange snow drains energy from everything it touches; Astro battles a leopard.

Astro Boy

S1, EP45 "Uran's Quest"

Dr. Oz, a computer in the children's land, suddenly claims that it is a god.

Astro Boy

S1, EP46 "Outer Spaceport R45"

Astro is sent to Outer Spaceport R45 by Dr. Elephant to clean up space pirates.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP45 "Super Robotnik"

Coconuts inadvertently creates a super-power formula when his janitor bucket spills in the lab; Robotnik falls into it and becomes Super Robotnik, then challenges Sonic to a fight.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP7 "Robolympics"

An asteroid is heading for Turtle Town; Robotnik offers to save it only if Sonic agrees to play in the Robolympics against Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP24 "Magnificent Sonic"

After defeating Six-Gun Pete, Sonic is made into a sheriff of Tranquil Gulch and has to defend it from Dr. Robotnik.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP37 "Black Bot the Pirate"

Robotnik waits for Professor Caninestein to make his time machine so he can go back in time and steal four chaos emeralds and gain the powers of invisibility, invincibility, immortality and life.

Included with Fubo