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EP41 "Skyward, Yo!"

Metabee feels vulnerable to air attack and wants to learn to fly.

Astro Boy

S1, EP14 "Uran the Tomboy"

During a New Year's celebration, Dr. Elephant presents Uran; Uran gets involved with a villain who kidnaps robot children.

Astro Boy

S1, EP15 "Robio and Robiet"

Scientists use robotic creations for competition; two robots from competing camps fall in love.

Astro Boy

S1, EP16 "Adventure on Mars"

Astro captains the second expedition to Mars, eventually fighting hostile aliens.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP8 "Close Encounters of the Sonic Kind"

Sonic and Tails befriend a pair of aliens who crash land their spaceship on Mobius and help them rebuild their ship.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP9 "Mama Robotics Birthday"

Robotnik's momma escapes from the home for mothers of villains and demands her birthday present.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP14 "Big Daddy"

While Coconuts is permanent vacation, he runs into Boom-Boom, a long-lost Gorilla who thinks Coconuts is his father; Coconuts and Boom-Boom team to capture Sonic.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP11 "Sonic's Song"

Outraged by a new hit song written about Sonic, Robotnik outlaws music on Mobius then takes pop star, Catty Carlisle captive.


EP13 "Beetle Mania"

The adventures of Ikki and his Medabot Metabee and their hopes to become champions of the Robattle competitions.

Astro Boy

S1, EP5 "Atlas Lives Again"

In their second encounter, Astro stops Atlas' scheme to enslave humanity by a series of technological thefts.

Astro Boy

S1, EP6 "Robot Land"

After an escaped swan princess crash lands in their yard, Astro Boy and Dr. Elefun are led to an animatronic fairytale theme park.

Astro Boy

S1, EP7 "Frankenstein"

Skunk convinces a powerful Frankenstein robot to aid in his crime spree.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP62 "Fast and Easy"

Lazy con-man Bo Beagle has the Choas Emerald ring stuck on his finger, and Robotnik wants it for one of his evil schemes,so he can use the emerald to sink the continent of LABYRINTH into the sea.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP51 "Lifestyles of the Sick and Twisted"

Throbbin Screech brings a TV crew to interview Robotnik for his talk show "Lifestyles of the Sick and Twisted"; Robotnik rampages through the Mobius countryside to prove he belongs on the program, keeping Sonic busy with rescues.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP57 "Sonic Is Running"

Momma Robotnik forces her son to run for president of Mobius, with Wes Weasley as his campaign manager; when Sonic hears of this, he runs, too -- and bedevils Robotnik every step of the high-speed campaign.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

S1, EP61 "Roboninjas"

Robotnik captures a flute-playing ninja crane called Kwai Chang Crane and taps his martial arts knowledge with electrodes attached to his head, then transfers it to Scratch and Grounder.

Included with Fubo