Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to help you get motivated, take your skills to the next level, and show you that anyone can do extraordinary things.

People are Awesome Presents

S1, EP2 "Power Couples"

Presenting the extraordinary.

People are Awesome Presents

S1, EP3 "Power Couples 2"

Presenting the extraordinary.

People are Awesome Presents

S1, EP6 "Power Couples 4"

This special pays tribute to couples and their awesome talents.

People Are Awesome: Spotlight

S1, EP10 "Episode 10"

Art comes in many shapes and styles.

People Are Awesome: Spotlight

S1, EP11 "Episode 11"

Before it was art, it was just a thought.

People Are Awesome: Showcase

S4, EP2 "Globetrotters"

Across the world, sport proves to be an international community for all.

People Are Awesome: Showcase

S4, EP3 "Grease the Wheels"

On blades, skates, or none at all, these dizzying dancers spin at top speed.

Exhibition Awesome

S1, EP9 "High Dive"

These stunts make a big splash.

Theory of Awesome

S1, EP10 "Theory of Awesome ----- Do Not Try This At Home"

Trace and Sophie take a look at successful, and not so successful, home and classroom science experiments. Concepts include combustion, air pressure, chemical reactions and plenty of fire.

Theory of Awesome

S1, EP11 "Theory of Awesome ----- Boom Goes The Dynamite"

Learning about stick bombs; watching the self-proclaimed longest stick bomb go off; Trace and Sophie break down the physics and demo their own stick bomb in studio.

Theory of Awesome

S1, EP12 "Theory of Awesome ----- Under Pressure"

In this episode, we explore how we can convert pressure into kinetic energy through displacement. We reuse our jet ski acrobat, this time highlighting his technique of diving the craft and using the force of the water to propel him.

People Are Awesome: Spotlight

S1, EP4 "Episode 4"

TV host Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") talks about "happy accidents."

People Are Awesome: Spotlight

S1, EP5 "Episode 5"

Interpretations that are almost as beautiful as the real thing.

People Are Awesome: Showcase

S3, EP9 "Pursuing Passion"

Never let up on what you love, no matter how niche.

People Are Awesome: Showcase

S3, EP10 "Attention to Detail"

Technique, form, and skill are all critical pieces of the precision puzzle.

Exhibition Awesome

"Under the Big Top"

Circus performers show how they do it under the big top.

Included with Fubo