A refreshing and user-friendly take on science, technology, and everything in between on INWONDER. From topics that span the secrets of the brain, to mysteries of ancient civilizations and engineering feats, this is the channel that explores the wonders of our world.

Xploration Earth 2050

S2, EP8 "Drones"

Drone technology saves thousands of lives in disaster sites; drones bring vital medications to isolated communities; drone racers.

Power &

S1, EP15 "Tabb Firchau"

Tabb Firchau is a cameraman who co-founded Freefly Systems to design and build camera stabilizers and unmanned aerial vehicles that are easy to operate.

Power &

S1, EP17 "Shane Chen"

Shane Chen is an inventor, or in his own words, he is a tinkerer - a fellow who makes a living from molding mechanisms into quirky creations.

Xploration DIY Sci

S5, EP4 "Museum of Science, Boston #1"

Steve explores the Museum of Science in Boston for new do-it-yourself science tricks and experiments; how to get 250 rubber ducks to fly.

Xploration DIY Sci

S5, EP5 "The Higgins Show"

Steve seals Higgins' phone inside a soda bottle; a toy car that is designed to get Higgins soaked.

Hollywood Weapons

S5, EP7 "Down Mexico Way"

Don't mess with organized crime. The dynamic duo tackles scenes from the Mexico cartel series Queen of the South, but take a pitstop at the rest room to test a scene from The Foreigner with Jackie Chan.

Hollywood Weapons

S5, EP8 "Terry Alone at Home"

Who left Terry Home Alone! Larry did. Terry and Larry test several scenes from the classic film series Home Alone.

Hollywood Weapons

S6, EP1 "Terry Loves Superheroes"

Terry and Larry put some superheroes to the test.

The Re-Inventors

EP1 "Da Vinci Gun"

Leonardo da Vinci designs the world's first 12-barrel machine gun.

The Re-Inventors

EP2 "Monowheel"

Matt and Jeremy test out a design for a monowheel.

Angry Planet

S1, EP9 "Avalanche"

George aids in bringing down avalanches in the Rocky Mountains.

Angry Planet

S1, EP8 "Blizzard"

George Kourounis is joined by Mark Robinson, climbing to the top of New Hampshire's Mount Washington in a mid-January summit blizzard.

Bright Now!

S1, EP3 "African Animal Rescue"

The staff of South Africa's Manyoni Private Game Reserve passionately care for some of the world's most exotic and endangered wild animals, from treating elephant foot infections to testing cheetahs for tuberculosis.

Backyard Ballistics

EP4 "Gatling Gun"

Jörg and Cheyenne are challenged to build a Gatling gun; after looking into the history of the 19th-century weapon and the challenges they can expect to face, they get to work building their weapon before putting it to the test in flaming finale.

Zenith: Advances in Space Exploration

S1, EP7 "The Other Planets"

Learn about the solar system's most difficult to reach planets and the probes that visited them.

Zenith: Advances in Space Exploration

S1, EP8 "The Sun"

Examine the work done by the SOHO, the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Parker Solar Probe.

Included with Fubo