A refreshing and user-friendly take on science, technology, and everything in between on INWONDER. From topics that span the secrets of the brain, to mysteries of ancient civilizations and engineering feats, this is the channel that explores the wonders of our world.


S1, EP61 "Noah's Ark for the Humans"

Human bodies are habitats for bacteria, and many of the microbes are beneficial to us.


S1, EP62 "Drones in Space: Mars to Titan"

Drones head into outer space with the Mars Helicopter's success paving the way for Dragonfly, a daring future mission to Titan.


S1, EP64 "First Human Link"

A team of scientists believe there was a witness to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs who survived to allow humans to exist today.


S1 "Super Spider Silk"

Science reveals new understanding of spiders, their super strong and flexible silks, and their predatory behavior.


S1, EP66 "Secrets of a Dog's Nose"

A dog's sense of smell can do amazing things; Dogs can help humans sniff out all kinds of things that improve our lives, explosives, missing persons, illegal drugs; now the latest research is revealing that dogs can detect disease, even cancer.


S1, EP68 "ICARUS: Tracking Creatures From Space"

The ICARUS system monitors the movements and behaviors of Earth's creatures by using an antenna mounted on the International Space Station to collect tracking data, opening the door to new discoveries that might warn of natural disasters.


S1, EP69 "Voyage to Venus"

For the first time in decades, NASA is sending two new missions to Venus designed to study and explore the planet's atmosphere, Earth-like composition and history.


S1, EP70 "Building the James Webb Telescope"

Scientists recount the challenges of developing the James Webb Space Telescope, the most expensive, largest and most advanced ever built.


S1, EP37 "The Earliest Americans"

New evidence suggests humans arrived in North America far earlier than previously thought, and that they might have traveled paths now submerged.


S1, EP50 "Coronavirus: Don't Blame Bats"

Examining whether bats are to blame for the COVID-19 pandemic.


S1, EP57 "Peru's Mysterious Cloud Warriors"

Archaeologists and geneticists uncover surprising details about one of the most mysterious civilizations in pre-Incan South America; while many are familiar with the Incas, few have heard of the Chachapoyas, the people known as the Cloud Warriors.


S1, EP60 "Decoding Megalodon"

By examining countless megalodon teeth from around the world, scientists have concluded that the prehistoric shark was able to achieve its gargantuan proportions by starting its carnivorous diet early in the womb.

Hollywood Weapons

S5, EP4 "Terry's Brave Heart"

Terry gets to annoy Larry with his impersonation of William Wallace from Braveheart. He not only gets to wield Sir Wallace's sword, but also convinces Larry to build him a Trebuchet.

Hollywood Weapons

S5, EP5 "Bond-ing with Larry"

Who is the greatest international action hero of all time, Terry Schappert? No. Terry and Larry get to test some scenes from James Bond films and other great action heroes.

Hollywood Weapons

S6, EP1 "Terry Loves Superheroes"

Terry and Larry put some superheroes to the test.

Hollywood Weapons

S6, EP2 "Terry Reacher"

Putting Jack Reacher to the test.

Included with Fubo