Features today’s Hollywood blockbuster hits and timeless classics celebrating the artistry of filmmaking.

The Blue Bird

A naughty little girl (Shirley Temple) dreams she and her brother are sent by a fairy to find the bluebird of happiness.

Destination Gobi

Pilot Sam McHale (Richard Widmark) is disappointed to learn he is being transferred to the Gobi Desert to oversee the Navy's weather station. When McHale settles in, he meets with Mongolian tribesmen, who are weary of the Navy's presence. Once trust is established between the two groups, McHale notices the natives' talent with horses, and he becomes interested in turning the Mongolian natives into a cavalry that can help protect them against the Japanese.

The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas

British scientist John Rollason (Peter Cushing) is studying plants in the Himalayas with his wife (Maureen Connell) while he waits for his American associate, Tom Friend (Forrest Tucker). When Friend arrives, Rollason accompanies him on a trip to find the mysterious creature Yeti, along with Friend's partner (Robert Brown) and a guide (Michael Brill) who claims he can find the beast. The group proceeds despite warnings. However, the trip quickly becomes more dangerous than they had anticipated.

The Lost World

Anthropology professor George Challenger (Claude Rains), explorer Lord John Roxton (Michael Rennie) and an assorted team of thrill seekers and experts trek through a Venezuelan rainforest that they suspect may be home to living prehistoric creatures. Before long Challenger, Lord John and company discover a valley filled with vicious dinosaurs and oversize arachnids -- unfortunately, their chopper breaks down, leaving them stranded in one of the deadliest environments on Earth.

Hand of Death

A cloud transforms a scientist (John Agar) into a hideous, scaly monster that can destroy anything it touches.

The Other

After their father dies, young twin brothers Holland (Martin Udvarnoky) and Niles (Chris Udvarnoky) spend their summer playing around the farm, while their mother (Diana Muldaur) hides in mourning. Holland is the more mischievous of the two, while Niles is shy and quiet. Their grandmother, Ada (Uta Hagen), has taught Niles how to project himself into other people and animals as a harmless game. But when a series of deadly tragedies strike the family and friends, only Ada suspects the truth.

The Grudge

A detective investigates a murder scene that has a connection to a case that her new partner handled in the past. The killings occurred in a haunted house that passes on a ghostly curse to those who dare enter it. Soon, the curse spreads to a terminally ill woman and her husband, and another unsuspecting couple who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


A young woman discovers the rental home she booked is already occupied by a stranger. Against her better judgment, she decides to spend the night but soon discovers there's a lot more to fear than just an unexpected house guest.

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