With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert, Cesar Millan, rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced relationship with their pets.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP3 "Tire Terrors"

A blue heeler puts herself in danger chasing her owner's pickup truck; an American Eskimo/border collie mix won't walk; a golden retriever is aggressive.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP4 "4-Alarm Fire Dog"

A firehouse Dalmatian; a dog becomes aggressive toward his owners after being attacked by two other dogs.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP5 "Maya, Sara, and Lilly"

A border collie/springer spaniel mix bolts toward small animals; a shepherd mix has a biting problem; a pushy poodle.

Dog Whisperer

"Dingo Dilemma"

Basset hounds sibling rivalry; aggressive dog; possessive poodle-mix.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP7 "Bella & Big Boy, and Gracie"

Cesar helps a disrespectful yellow Lab who causes chaos everywhere she goes and some dogs who are misbehaving at the office.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP8 "Fondue, Chip, Hope & JoyJoy, and Elmer"

A French bulldog fails the doggy day-care entrance exam; three Jack Russell terriers fight one another for their owner's attention; a beagle howls incessantly while on walks.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP9 "Woody & Wally, and Kane"

A mail carrier learns to thwart dog attacks; two Pomeranians attack each other when left alone; a Swiss mountain dog is aggressive around food.

Dog Whisperer

S3, EP10 "French Bulldog Revolution"

A miniature schnauzer compulsively spins in circles; four French bulldogs do not listen to their owner; a mixed breed has a leash tied so tightly it has to be surgically removed.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP1 "How to Raise the Perfect Dog"

Cesar adopts four puppies and films them living with him and his pack for their first eight months to demonstrate how to raise a balanced dog.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP2 "Cujo and Molly"

An aggressive lab-mastiff mix; a Jack Russell mix that barks obsessively; a woman is concerned at her dog's habit of barking and growling at people.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP3 "Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey"

A Pekingese who refuses to eat or drink; a Chihuahua who bites people; two chow mixes who share a home but won't play nice with each other.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP4 "Hardy: Attacked With Love"

A woman's French bulldog exhibits people aggression that started for no apparent reason when he turned two years old.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP5 "Seven, Sara and Madeleine"

Life coach and fitness trainer Jillian Michaels can whip contestants on the "Biggest Loser" television series into shape, but she's at a loss when it comes to her dog; escape artist dog; dog dislikes brooms and windshield wipers.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP6 "Bear & Angel, and Lorelei"

Two German shepherds who get along fine at home, but are at each other's throats when at daycare; a miniature schnauzer that barks when her owner's grandchildren visit.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP7 "Cesar Down Under"

A great Dane bites her owner; a bearded collie with dog aggression; a mouthy French mastiff.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP8 "Cesar in Oz"

A Weimaraner is aggressive towards anyone who turns on one of the motorized bikes used to deliver the mail; an aggressive shar-pei; an Australian red cattle dog who barks incessantly.

Included with Fubo