With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert, Cesar Millan, rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced relationship with their pets.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP32 "100th Episode Celebration"

Cesar celebrates the show's 100th episode with a grand reunion of many of the past guests and their dogs.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP2 "Cujo and Molly"

An aggressive lab-mastiff mix; a Jack Russell mix that barks obsessively; a woman is concerned at her dog's habit of barking and growling at people.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP3 "Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey"

A Pekingese who refuses to eat or drink; a Chihuahua who bites people; two chow mixes who share a home but won't play nice with each other.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP4 "Hardy: Attacked With Love"

A woman's French bulldog exhibits people aggression that started for no apparent reason when he turned two years old.

Dog Whisperer

S6, EP5 "Seven, Sara and Madeleine"

Life coach and fitness trainer Jillian Michaels can whip contestants on the "Biggest Loser" television series into shape, but she's at a loss when it comes to her dog; escape artist dog; dog dislikes brooms and windshield wipers.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP15 "Inside Puppy Mills"

Puppy mills produce millions of dogs; Ceaser works with an animal rights group to rescue and rehabilitate some pups.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP16 "Baby Girl"

Cesar Millan helps Suzie Dove Miles, who has recently adopted a Doberman who is fearful of literally everything.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP17 "Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina"

Family dogs brawl with each other; a dog torments a child; a five-legged miniature pinscher has an aggressive attitude.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP15 "Inside Puppy Mills"

Puppy mills produce millions of dogs; Ceaser works with an animal rights group to rescue and rehabilitate some pups.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP16 "Baby Girl"

Cesar Millan helps Suzie Dove Miles, who has recently adopted a Doberman who is fearful of literally everything.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP17 "Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina"

Family dogs brawl with each other; a dog torments a child; a five-legged miniature pinscher has an aggressive attitude.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP22 "Chipper and Rudy & Monte"

A ridgeback/boxer mix's high energy develops into severe aggression; a couple's whippets bark and lunge at any dog that comes inside the boutique.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP23 "Peanut & Sunshine, Roxy & Angus"

Cesar helps the owner of a grooming business deal with difficult canine clients; a Chihuahua has a barking problem.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP24 "Collie Crisis"

A border collie is overprotective of his owner; a German shepherd is aggressive toward other dogs and people.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP25 "The Escape Artist"

An Australian shepherd/pit bull mix with severe aggression issues; a boxer's owners are concerned by her tendency to jump the six-foot backyard fence.

Dog Whisperer

S4, EP26 "Fear of Dogs"

Cesar helps a man get over a fear of dogs so he can finally fulfill his children's request to adopt one of their own.

Included with Fubo