With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert, Cesar Millan, rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced relationship with their pets.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP12 "Britney Dawg and Boo"

A pit bull is aggressive toward people and dogs; a dachshund mix exhibits aggression at feeding time and when it comes time to trim his nails.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP13 "Bella"

Cesar Millan investigates the case of a bulldog named Bella who has become aggressive ever since her owner's five-month rehab stint.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP14 "Buster, Jack & Marley and Sparky"

A professional dog groomer reaches out to Cesar for help with three of her toughest clients; Cesar helps a couple with their head-strong pitbull.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP10 "Expecting Trouble"

A lab-beagle mix needs help to be socialized; a woman worries about the aggressive behavior of her new husband's dog; a Shar-Pei behaves aggressively toward the TV.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP11 "Princess, Prada and Bearz"

A Maltese tries to bite and attack people; a spoiled Pomeranian; a Rottweiler vents his aggression on shopping carts.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP12 "Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones and Josie"

A follow-up on the Hurricane Katrina dogs Cesar took; a German shepherd mix is difficult to walk; a chocolate lab refuses to walk on her family's new hardwood floors.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP13 "Eppie, Lady and Snoopy"

A dog develops an aggression problem after moving to a new area; a big dog does not let people near her owner; a beagle sniffs continually.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP14 "Greta & Hoss, Storm and Chula"

A dog becomes aggressive when he sees other dogs; a Newfoundland does not eat; a dog runs out of the house whenever the door opens.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP13 "Shep and Sasha"

A wheelchair-bound owner wants to keep her German shepherd Shep in line; Sasha, the Lhasa apso, must learn who's boss.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP21 "Nicki"

Cesar helps a Rottweiler who has suffered a lifetime of abuse adjust to her new life after finally finding a loving home.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP8 "Chip, Lucy, Hank & Betty, and Leo"

Actress Denise Richards needs help getting in control of her three dogs; a miniature pinscher bites visitors; a lazy basset hound.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP9 "Spike, Jake & Nugget, and Wendell"

A woman's aggressive dogs are coming in between her and her husband; a German shepard who failed obedience school; a Sheltie barks in the car and bites other dogs.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP10 "Expecting Trouble"

A lab-beagle mix needs help to be socialized; a woman worries about the aggressive behavior of her new husband's dog; a Shar-Pei behaves aggressively toward the TV.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP11 "Princess, Prada and Bearz"

A Maltese tries to bite and attack people; a spoiled Pomeranian; a Rottweiler vents his aggression on shopping carts.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP12 "Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones and Josie"

A follow-up on the Hurricane Katrina dogs Cesar took; a German shepherd mix is difficult to walk; a chocolate lab refuses to walk on her family's new hardwood floors.

Dog Whisperer

S2, EP13 "Eppie, Lady and Snoopy"

A dog develops an aggression problem after moving to a new area; a big dog does not let people near her owner; a beagle sniffs continually.

Included with Fubo