With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert, Cesar Millan, rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced relationship with their pets.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP16 "Baby Girl"

Cesar Millan helps Suzie Dove Miles, who has recently adopted a Doberman who is fearful of literally everything.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP17 "Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina"

Family dogs brawl with each other; a dog torments a child; a five-legged miniature pinscher has an aggressive attitude.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP18 "Run Home Roscoe!"

Cesar attempts to introduce Roscoe, an agoraphobic Akita who is too scared to leave the house and garden and has never been for a walk, to the outside world.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP19 "Harley, Annabelle and Memphis"

A Weimaraner eats everything in sight; a yellow Lab's excess energy is expressed destructively; an Australian shepherd is unable to socialize with other dogs.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP20 "Mad Dogs"

Three canines with issues at a dog-friendly ad agency office; a border collie mix becomes excited and unresponsive to commands when in her owner's truck.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP21 "Miles and Maxie & Booker"

Velvet Revolver drummer Matt Sorum's French bulldog goes crazy at the sight of other dogs; Cesar helps a former therapy dog with aggression issues.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP22 "Maxwell, Brooklyn and Tipper"

A woman who has relinquished the role of pack leader to her Welsh Sealyham terrier; an English mastiff with too much energy; a Tibetan terrier who is a terror on walks.

Dog Whisperer

S5, EP23 "Optimus & Gigi, and Sissy"

A Great Dane with an aggressive attitude; Cesar helps a shepherd mix recover from the issues developed while living in a hoarding situation so she can be rehomed.

Dog Whisperer

S9, EP12 "Cesar's Worst Bite"

Holly, a Labrador puppy, displays severe food aggression; a women's shelter will take a needy woman and her pit bull, Tucker, but Cesar must help the dog become less protective first.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP1 "Nunu and Kane"

Chihuahua is a pint-sized peril to its owner's roommate; slobbering Great Dane afraid of shiny floors.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP2 "Flirt and Opie"

A charmer around people, Opie becomes aggressive around other dogs; Flirt the Chinese Crested is hyper and neurotic.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP3 "Ruby and Rana"

A vizsla with a biting problem is afraid of everything; a Shetland sheepdog barks at household appliances.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP4 "Josh and Boomer"

Josh, a Maltese-poodle mix, won't let anyone go near him with a brush; Boomer, a clownish dog, must always be the center of attention.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP5 "Harry and Brooks"

Harry goes crazy at anything on wheels; shadows drive Brooks crazy.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP6 "Sueki and Coach"

Cesar tries to help a boxer named Coach before he is put down for biting someone; Sueki turns her nose up at leads.

Dog Whisperer

S1, EP7 "Slick & Pepper"

Cesar tries to help Slick a fear-ridden dog who was rescued after living in a crate for 15 hours a day and Pepper, another rescue dog with issues.

Included with Fubo