Curiosity Now offers classic factual content from an extensive, award-winning library of original and curated documentaries across popular genres like science, history, space, wildlife, nature and more. Stacked for optimal binge-watching, Curiosity Now is a brand-safe environment for family-friendly viewing


S1, EP5 "Regional Favorites"

Whether it's mole in Mexico or tiramisu in Italy, Guy gets a taste of regional specialties and uncovers the ingredients that give them their characteristic flavor.


S1, EP6 "Found in the Wild"

Guy takes it back to our hunter-gatherer days as he forages on both land and sea for aromatic truffles, giant mushrooms and coastal clams.


S1, EP7 "Catch of the Day"

Guy uncovers the many ways to catch a fish... and oysters! From fly fishing in Seattle, braving Australia's crocodile infested rivers for Barramundi and hand picking oysters on the Puget Sound, there's never a dull moment on the water.


S1, EP8 "At the Frontlines of Food"

Guy connects with local artisans and farmers throughout Spain and California to get a closer look at the people who grow olives, raise goats and make bread. Using ingredients from local farmers, he creates a mouth watering feast to remember.

The History of Food

S1, EP1 "The Invention of Cooking"

After hunter-gatherers harness fire as a tool, it ignites a culinary and cerebral revolution that advances evolution.

The History of Food

S1, EP2 "The Agricultural Revolution"

The advent of agriculture renders humans' hunter-gatherer lifestyle obsolete in favor of settled life and stable food supplies, triggering a population explosion.

The History of Food

S1, EP3 "Fermentation, Preservation and Exploration"

The human quest to plan for times of scarcity during times of plenty by preserving food.

The History of Food

S1, EP4 "The Industry of Food"

Industrialization triggers the second great food revolution, dramatically transforming people's diets during the course of the 20th century.

Creepy Crawlies

S1, EP1 "The Bug Buffet"

Bugs are the base of the food chain, food for just about everything else, but to start the process, they too must eat.

Creepy Crawlies

S1, EP2 "Breeding"

Rutting deer and flirting love birds might be what people think of with animal courtship, but even bugs need to breed, and they face all the same challenges of winning a mate and raising their young.

Creepy Crawlies

S1, EP3 "Army"

Few creatures have complex levels of regimented society as social insects.

Nature's Hidden Miracles

S1, EP1 "The Secret Life of Plants"

Plants are communicating, helping each other thrive; staying aware of their surroundings by using dozens of highly sensitive sensors, plants are sending signals, even across species.

Nature's Hidden Miracles

S1, EP2 "Insects as Super Adapters"

In order to adapt to different environments, protect themselves from enemies, obtain food, and reproduce, insects have become highly specialized; they transform themselves into completely different creatures, changing their habitat and even food.

Nature's Hidden Miracles

S1, EP3 "Microorganisms, The Invisible Ruler"

Microorganisms are the rulers and guardians of Earth.

Creepy Crawlies

S1, EP1 "The Bug Buffet"

Bugs are the base of the food chain, food for just about everything else, but to start the process, they too must eat.

Creepy Crawlies

S1, EP2 "Breeding"

Rutting deer and flirting love birds might be what people think of with animal courtship, but even bugs need to breed, and they face all the same challenges of winning a mate and raising their young.

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