See the trials that captivated the world and made history! Join your favorite Court TV hosts, Vinnie Politan, Julie Grant, Michael Ayala, Ted Rowlands and Ashley Willcott, and witness all the dramatic moments streaming on Court TV Legendary Trials.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP120 "A Roadside Shooting"

Nearly three months after Maggie and Paul Murdaugh were killed at Moselle, another mysterious shooting happened in South Carolina's Lowcountry; and it involved the defendant, Alex Murdaugh; he was shot in the head.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Uncovering Incriminating Phone Records"

Jurors hear more testimony about the text messages linked to the death of law professor Dan Markel; police sergeant Chris Corbett continues his detailed testimony to the jury.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"An Undercover FBI Agent"

An undercover FBI agent testifies for the jury; he was involved in the sting operation, called a bump, that was done to get more information about the murder of law professor, Dan Markel.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP185 "How Exactly Kathleen Peterson Fell"

Michael Peterson's defense brings in a biomechanics expert who specialized in injuries; jurors got the Defense's full theory on how Kathleen Peterson died.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP186 "The Biomechanics Explanation"

The jury gets a lesson on brain injuries, complete with visual exhibits to follow; on the stand is a biomechanics expert hired by Michael Peterson's defense to look into the lacerations on his wife Kathleen's head.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP187 "Biomechanics Professor Explains In Detail"

The defense shows computer simulations of Kathleen's fall; Dr. Bandak, a biomechanics expert, testifies she hit her head twice and fell backwards, causing injuries; the defense aims to prove accidental death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP188 "Challenging the Biomechanics Research Scientist"

The prosecution begins its cross-examination of Dr. Faris Bandak, the Defense's biomechanics expert; his testimony aligns with the Defense's theory that Kathleen slipped and fell backwards down the stairs, hitting her head twice.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP189 "Injury Biomechanics Expert Summarizes"

Biomechanics and the number of lacerations Kathleen sustained became key focal points in this trial; the biomechanics expert on the stand demonstrated the angle and motion that he believed caused Kathleen Peterson to fall backwards down.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP108 "Maggie's Only Sister Testifies"

Another family member takes the stand, giving more emotional testimony about the Murdaugh family dynamic; she is Maggie's sister and describes her role in raising Paul and Buster over the years.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Gang Leader Luis Rivera"

Jurors listen to one of the two hired hitmen convicted in the death of Dan Markel; he made a deal with prosecutors for a reduced sentence and pleaded guilty to second-degree murder; all Luis Rivera had to do was testify against the other suspects.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Convicted Killers Speak To The Jury"

Jurors listen to the testimony of a career criminal who was serving time for his role in the murder of Dan Markel; on the stand, Luis Garcia claims that the person running the murder-for-hire plot lied to him before and after the crime.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Katherine Magbanua"

The jury listens to the second convicted co-conspirator in the murder of Dan Markel; the credibility of these witnesses can be pivotal for jurors deciding whether Charlie Adelson was the real mastermind in this deadly scheme.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Charlie Adelson's Ex-Girlfriend Points The Finger"

Charlie Adelson's ex-girlfriend testifies about her role in the murder of Dan Markel; Katherine Magbanua is already sentenced to life in prison; she claims she is now motivated to tell the truth about the murder-for-hire plot.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Former Dentist Employees Testify"

The cross-examination heats up against the defendant's ex-girlfriend; Katherine Magbanua, who has already been convicted in Dan Markel's murder, is in handcuffs on the stand.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"The Money Trail"

Prosecutors bring in a forensic accountant to show the money trail involved in the murder of Dan Markel; the state contended that Charlie Adelson orchestrated the plan and paid for it.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Follow The Money"

The State's forensic accountant detailed payments made to Charlie Adelson's ex-girlfriend who had been convicted already in Dan Markel's death; Jurors learn about all the financial records of the Adelson Institute, the family's dental practice.

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