See the trials that captivated the world and made history! Join your favorite Court TV hosts, Vinnie Politan, Julie Grant, Michael Ayala, Ted Rowlands and Ashley Willcott, and witness all the dramatic moments streaming on Court TV Legendary Trials.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "Serology Findings"

Days after the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh, investigators seized hundreds of items at Moselle for DNA analysis. Jurors heard from the State's expert in serology about her findings.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP177 "Altered Crime Scene"

Prosecutors try to pick apart the testimony of nationally-renowned forensic scientist; Dr. Henry Lee claims that the blood spatter in the staircase was a result of Kathleen's own actions when she fell to her death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP178 "Child's Play"

Forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee give jurors his version of how Kathleen Peterson lost her life based on the blood spatter found at the scene; it is different than the story about murder that prosecutors had told the jury.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP179 "The Forensic Scientist Elaborates"

The Defense's forensic scientist got into the weeds about blood spatter evidence found on the staircase that was at the center of his case; to do this Dr. Henry Lee had to get up in front of the jury and demonstrate.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP180 "Scientist Critiques Police's Investigative Work"

Dr. Henry Lee criticizes the police's handling and testing of crime scene evidence linked to the death of Kathleen; Dr. Lee was hired to review the blood spatter patterns at the crime scene.

Someone They Knew with Tamron Hall

S1, EP6 "And Murder Makes Three"

Small-town plumber John Cataneo fixes other people's homes for a living, until death came knocking on his front door; to find out who wanted him dead, police investigate the contents of Cataneo's own home, and get the leak they need.

Someone They Knew with Tamron Hall

S1, EP12 "The Puppetmaster"

When a well-respected psychiatrist and his adult son are killed as they sleep, police are baffled by the apparent randomness until an arrest in an unrelated crime leads them to the least likely of suspects.

Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan

S2, EP5 "GA v. Crowder & Stanton - The Tomato Patch Murder"

Sixty-four-year-old Thurman Martin ruled his family with an iron fist, brutally beating anyone who dared stand up to his emotional and physical abuse. Then one day he vanished, his family telling police he'd left with just a few changes of clothing.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "The Family's Housekeeper Who Died"

Three years before Maggie and Paul Murdaugh were murdered, Moselle was the scene of another tragedy in the Lowcountry. The family's longtime housekeeper died after a mysterious fall at the bottom of the steps that led into the family's home.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP165 "Neuropathologist Faces Cross Examination"

The Defense's medical expert concluded that Kathleen Peterson's death was inconsistent with a beating based on several measures; forensic neuropathologist, Dr. Jan Leestma, had more questions to answer during cross examination.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP166 "Miscalculating And Misdiagnosing"

The State challenges the Defense's neuropathologist to forensically review the death of Kathleen; prosecutors claim the defendant was responsible for killing her with a blunt object and then left her to bleed to death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP167 "No Brain Contusions, No Skull Fractures"

Kathleen Peterson had no brain contusions and no skull fractures; those are two main points that the Defense's medical expert agrees with the prosecutor; Neuropathologist Dr. Jan Leestma testifies and holds firm.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP168 "Two Accidental Falls Down the Stairs"

The State kept trying to challenge the Defense's medical expert during their long cross-examination; Dr. Jan claimed the experts who testified for the State were incorrect by declaring that Kathleen Peterson died from several blows to her head.

Victim to Verdict: Christmas Parade Rampage

The annual Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis., is struck by tragedy when Darrel Brooks drives his SUV through the parade route; the tragedy turns into a spectacle when Brooks decides to represent himself at trial.

Victim to Verdict: Murdaugh Family Murders

Once prominent South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh's life begins to unravel after the murders of his wife, Maggie and youngest son Paul as an investigation uncovers years of drug abuse and theft of millions of dollars.

Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan

S1, EP10 "OH v. Wagner"

Eight people from the same family are shot execution style as they sleep; the investigation uncovers a plot involving an entire household and leading to the trial of the only person from that family who says had nothing to do with it.

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