See the trials that captivated the world and made history! Join your favorite Court TV hosts, Vinnie Politan, Julie Grant, Michael Ayala, Ted Rowlands and Ashley Willcott, and witness all the dramatic moments streaming on Court TV Legendary Trials.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP197 "The Biomechanics Professor Clarifies"

The jury hear from the State's biomechanics expert who is specialized in injuries; the retired professor disagreed with the Defense's expert that Kathleen's injuries showed she fell down the stairs backwards to her death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP198 "Another Biomechanical Look at the Staircase Death"

The State's biomechanics specialist is under cross-examination; Dr. James McElhaney criticizes his colleague who testifies for the Defense.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP199 "Biomechanics Finding to the Autopsy Report"

The battle of the experts played out for jurors; to try to wrap up its case, prosecutors called in North Carolina's Chief Medical Examiner; he was not assigned to do the autopsy on Kathleen Peterson.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP200 "North Carolina's Chief Medical Examiner"

For medical examiners and forensic pathologists who testified in this trial, the details about Kathleen Peterson's external and internal injuries are key; Jurors listen to the testimony of North Carolina's Chief Medical Examiner.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP201 "Another Look At The Victim's Remains"

Chief Medical Examiner Butts reviews Kathleen's autopsy; based on his experience with 5,000 autopsies, concludes her death is a homicide due to seven deep head lacerations.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP202 "State Rests Rebuttal Case"

The final witness for the prosecution in Michael Peterson's murder trial is the chief medical examiner of North Carolina; Doctor John Butts agrees with the autopsy results that show Kathleen Peterson's death was a homicide.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP203 "Closing Arguments Begin"

The jury finally hears closing arguments after more than three months of testimony; the defense goes first, arguing why the alleged murder weapon that prosecutors claimed was used to kill Kathleen was never missing.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP204 "Junk Science"

During their closing arguments, the Defense accused the prosecution of having tunnel vision when it came to what happened to Kathleen Peterson; during closing arguments, lead defense attorney David Rudolf said the prosecution left out key.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"The Communications Of The Killers"

Investigators put together the communications of the suspects in the days leading up to murder; they are trying to prove that there was a conspiracy to kill Dan Markel and that Charlie Adelson was the mastermind.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Tracking The Communication Lines Of The Co-Conspirators"

The State calls in a communication records analyst who reviewed thousands of pages of cell phone records that tracked the co-conspirators accused in this case.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Transcriptions Of The Wiretaps"

The jury's attention shifts from cell phone records to wire taps; more information is coming that investigators believe proves Charlie Adelson set up a plot to kill Dan Markel.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Cell Phone Data Analysis"

A communication records analyst takes the stand; investigators retrieve data from cell phones and computers while they try to figure who is responsible for the murder of law professor Dan Markel.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP113 "Am I a Suspect?"

A detective from SLED was the centerpiece to the State's case against Alex Murdaugh accusing him of killing his wife, Maggie, and son, Paul; David Owen was the lead investigator and helped the prosecution button up its case.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP114 "Lead Detective Under Cross-Examination"

The special agent assigned as the lead detective in this case tells the jury about his agency's investigation into the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "The Only Prime Suspect"

The Defense tried to poke holes in the police investigation of the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh. SLED Special Agent David Owen testified that the evidence they collected pointed to only one person.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP116 "Collecting Key Evidence"

SLED Special Agent David Owen continues his testimony; he was assigned to look into the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh, that involved collecting evidence and following up on important clues.

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