See the trials that captivated the world and made history! Join your favorite Court TV hosts, Vinnie Politan, Julie Grant, Michael Ayala, Ted Rowlands and Ashley Willcott, and witness all the dramatic moments streaming on Court TV Legendary Trials.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP180 "Scientist Critiques Police's Investigative Work"

Dr. Henry Lee criticizes the police's handling and testing of crime scene evidence linked to the death of Kathleen; Dr. Lee was hired to review the blood spatter patterns at the crime scene.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP181 "I'm Just The Consultant"

The prosecution team was not done asking the Defense's forensic science expert questions during cross examination; Dr. Henry Lee told jurors: I'm just a consultant; he had reviewed blood evidence from inside the Peterson home.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP182 "Dr. Henry Lee's Perspective"

Dr. Henry Lee defends his assessment of how Kathleen Peterson died at the bottom of a staircase; during their investigation, investigators used a mannequin to replicate how she could have been fatally struck.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP183 "Tunnel Vision"

Dr. Henry Lee, the forensic science expert, claimed it doesn't matter how many tests are done, no one can reproduce the identical blood patterns at the crime scene; he told jurors that Durham police approached Kathleen Peterson's death all wrong.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP184 "No Murder, Just An Accidental Fall"

Jurors listen to more testimony from Dr. Henry Lee, the forensic scientist on the stand; he came to the conclusion that clues at the crime scene where Kathleen died proved she was fatally injured by falling down the stairs.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "Tensions Brewing At Moselle"

Jurors learned more about the tension brewing in the Murdaugh home in the days leading up to Paul and Maggie's deaths. The housekeeper told them about money issues and Alex's strange behavior in the days before and after the murders.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "Second Caretaker Explains"

The second caretaker of Alex Murdaugh's mother testifies; she had late-stage Alzheimer's and needed 24-hour home care; as Alex Murdaugh faced his alleged financial crimes about to be exposed, both his parents were sick.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP93 "Cell Phone Data Analysis"

Cell phone analyst with the FBI looked at five cell phones to determine phone locations on the day of the murders, using mapping technology; he tells jurors about his work in the investigation of what happened to Maggie and Paul Murdaugh.

Dentist Mastermind Murder Trial

"Testifying Under Partial Immunity"

Jurors listen to more testimony from Charlie Adelson's sister who is testifying for the state; Wendi Adelson was married to Dan Markel for six years before she filed for divorce; two years after that divorce, Dan was murdered.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP93 "Cell Phone Data Analysis"

Cell phone analyst with the FBI looked at five cell phones to determine phone locations on the day of the murders, using mapping technology; he tells jurors about his work in the investigation of what happened to Maggie and Paul Murdaugh.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP94 "Paul's Friend, Alex's Runner"

Another friend of Paul Murdaugh testifies about his close relationship with Paul, Maggie and Alex; he even called Maggie a second mother; he was not just close with Paul and Maggie, but he also worked with Alex's law firm.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1, EP95 "DNA Analyst Takes the Stand"

The DNA analyst who specializes in forensic serology testifies about her role in the investigation into Maggie and Paul Murdaugh's deaths; this includes examining several key items that had blood and other bodily fluids on them.

SC v. Alex Murdaugh

S1 "Serology Findings"

Days after the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh, investigators seized hundreds of items at Moselle for DNA analysis. Jurors heard from the State's expert in serology about her findings.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP177 "Altered Crime Scene"

Prosecutors try to pick apart the testimony of nationally-renowned forensic scientist; Dr. Henry Lee claims that the blood spatter in the staircase was a result of Kathleen's own actions when she fell to her death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP178 "Child's Play"

Forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee give jurors his version of how Kathleen Peterson lost her life based on the blood spatter found at the scene; it is different than the story about murder that prosecutors had told the jury.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP179 "The Forensic Scientist Elaborates"

The Defense's forensic scientist got into the weeds about blood spatter evidence found on the staircase that was at the center of his case; to do this Dr. Henry Lee had to get up in front of the jury and demonstrate.

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