See the trials that captivated the world and made history! Join your favorite Court TV hosts, Vinnie Politan, Julie Grant, Michael Ayala, Ted Rowlands and Ashley Willcott, and witness all the dramatic moments streaming on Court TV Legendary Trials.

Someone They Knew with Tamron Hall

S2, EP208 "Mommy Dearest"

Divorce wasn't enough to end the animosity between James and Linda Cooney; the bitterness continued until Linda shot James dead with a .357 Magnum; she claimed self-defense, but the only witness was their 10-year-old son.

Someone They Knew with Tamron Hall

S2, EP209 "A Matter Of The Heart"

When the wife of a wealthy Florida real estate developer is found dead in her bathroom, two theories emerge; her supposedly loving husband may not have been so loving after all, or a completely different culprit.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP155 "Same Exact Murder Twice"

The State's medical examiner dismissed the Defense's assertion that Kathleen Peterson died in a fall down a flight of stairs after mixing Valium and alcohol; Dr. Deborah Radisch was in the middle of a long cross-examination.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP156 "Fatal Concussive Brain Injury"

Michael Peterson's defense keeps challenging Dr. Deborah Radisch, the medical examiner who had examined Kathleen's remains; the defense wants to knock down this expert's findings in its push to convince jurors Kathleen accidentally fell to her death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP157 "State Rests Their Case"

Medical examiner Dr. Deborah Radisch is on the stand for a third day in a row; the State's medical examiner wrapped up her long testimony to jurors; Michael Peterson's defense worked hard to try to raise reasonable doubt about her medical findings.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP158 "Dr. Jan Leestma"

The defense begins its case to jurors the same way prosecutors ended, with the medical findings on the death of Kathleen Peterson; their first witness to the stand is a neuropathologist who reviewed the medical findings on Kathleen's death.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP159 "Defense Begins Their Case To Jurors"

Defense forensic pathologist testifies; jury returns as defense begins case, arguing accidental fall; Dr. Leestma says a blow poke is an unlikely weapon, wounds inconsistent with beating.

The Staircase Murder Trial

S1, EP160 "Poking Holes in the Autopsy Report"

The Defense's expert on the stand contradicted another key point from the autopsy done on Kathleen Peterson; instead of seven lacerations as the medical examiner concluded, the Defense's expert claimed there were actually four.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP104 "Private Investigator Weighs In"

A private investigator testifies for Melanie McGuire's defense; Jay Salpeter reviews the police reports on the investigation of Bill's death and other official documents from casinos records to EZ Pass records.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP103 "Debunking the Theory of Incriminating Computer Searches"

Melanie McGuire's defense team goes back to the subject of computer forensics examination for jurors; their expert on the stand takes a look at the internet searches prosecutors believed showed Melanie plotting the murder of her husband, Bill.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP101 "Blaming The Victim"

The defense team aims to deflect the blame from Melanie McGuire and pin it on her husband, Bill, during their questioning of a computer expert.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP102 "Computer Examination to Anonymous Call"

Jurors learn about another side to the computer searches done on the McGuires' home computer days before Bill was found dead; Melanie's defense needs recorded phone calls made by an anonymous caller claiming to be her friend.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP105 "Calling In A Retired Chemist"

Jurors continue to hear a taped recording of an anonymous caller; the Defense bring in a polymer chemist to dispute the State's plastic trash bag expert.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP108 "The Polymer Expert"

The Defense's polymer expert refutes the link between the bags that carried Bill McGuire's remains to the ones found in Melanie's home; cross-examination begins on Sally Ginter.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP106 "Dismissing the Matching Trash Bags"

The battle of the experts are played out for the jury; Prosecutors have more questions for Sally Ginter; she dismissed the idea that there was a match between trash bags that prosecutors alleged was incriminating evidence against the defendant.

Suitcase Killer Murder Trial

EP107 "State Delivers A Rebuttal Case"

Melanie McGuire's defense rests their case to jurors; the state begins their rebuttal case by calling back to the stand their plastic trash bag expert.

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