Comedy Central provides a funny take on everything from the news and pop culture to the monotony of everyday life. With a mix of stand-up, original series, satirical news shows and more, it’s the premier source for intelligent, comedic perspectives - and fart jokes.

Family Guy

S14, EP11 "The Peanut Butter Kid"

Lois and Peter become show-business parents when Stewie is cast in a peanut butter commercial and starts earning money for the family.

Family Guy

S14, EP12 "Scammed Yankees"

While Lois and her mother are away at the spa, Peter and Carter fall for an email scam and go to Africa to recover their money; Brian is interested in Meg's friend, Patty.

Family Guy

S14, EP13 "An App a Day"

After Peter overloads his old cellphone with mobile apps, he buys a replacement and gives his old cellphone to Chris, which triggers a series of terrible events; Stewie joins a tennis club and asks Brian to be his partner.

Family Guy

S16, EP17 "Switch the Flip"

To help get Brian's life in order, Stewie and Brian swap bodies using a machine that Stewie invents; chaos quickly ensues around Quahog when Stewie's machine goes haywire.

Family Guy

S16, EP18 "HTTPete"

To help promote the brewery to millennials, Peter adopts the millennial lifestyle; his methods soon attract the attention of a high-powered Silicon Valley executive.

South Park

S19, EP8 "Sponsored Content"

Jimmy deals with PC Principal's beliefs.

South Park

S19, EP9 "Truth and Advertising"

When PC Principal goes missing, it's discovered he's disappeared with two of the 4th grade students.

South Park

S19, EP10 "PC Principal"

Kyle chooses a dangerous alliance over his friendship with Stan.

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