From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

Family Guy Six Packs

S2, EP11 "A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Bucks"

A gallery owner admires Chris's painting and invites the Griffins to New York. Elsewhere, Peter envies an old classmate.

King of the Hill

S2, EP7 "The Man Who Shot Cane Skretteberg"

It's the battle of the ages when Hank and his friends face off against four teenagers for a game of paintball.

King of the Hill

S2, EP8 "The Son That Got Away"

Hank and Kahn fear the worst when Bobby, Connie and Joseph explore a cave where teenagers go to `make whoopee'.

Rick and Morty

S2, EP5 "Get Schwifty"

When a giant alien head appears and threatens Earth, Rick and Morty travel to the Pentagon to help defeat it. Meanwhile, a new religion praising the head starts up.

Rick and Morty

S2, EP6 "The Ricks Must Be Crazy"

When Rick has trouble with his car, he and Morty travel to the microverse in the car's battery. Summer stays behind and is protected by Rick's car.

Robot Chicken

S1, EP16 "Nightmare Generator"

"Alien vs. Predator First Date"; scandal at the North Pole; "The A-Team."

Robot Chicken

S9, EP8 "We Don't See Much of That in 1940s America"

After the Magic School Bus crashes in the mountains, Miss Frizzle goes to extraordinary lengths to survive, resulting to cannibalism. Harry Potter relives the best years of his life, and Dominic Toretto gets fast and furious with the Titanic.

Teenage Euthanasia

S1, EP7 "Dada M.I.A."

Annie and Trophy play a paternity-revealing board game; Baba takes Pete on a father-finding journey.

No on demand content available at this time

Included with Fubo