From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

Bob and Margaret

S4, EP1 "New Lease on Life"

Bob and Margaret have a near-death experience which makes them re-examine their lives.

Super Dave

S4, EP13 "Senior Citizen's Boxing Club"

Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham; senior citizens' boxing camp.

Super Dave

S4, EP14 "Parade Village"

Ray Charles performs; Super Dave introduces his computerized float and visits the compound's bird aviary.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP5 "Faith Healer"

Faith heals all; well, faith and money.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP6 "Mutant Snake"

Discovering what swamp hillbillies, a snake god and Eric all have in common: fancy hats.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP7 "Shape Shifter"

Getting to know colleagues is hard, especially when one might be a demon in disguise.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP8 "Chupacabra"

The only thing scarier than a killer beast is having to admit Eric was right.

Bob's Burgers

S3, EP12 "Broadcast Wagstaff School News"

There is a "Mad Pooper" running wild at the Belcher children's middle school and Tina finds herself on a mission to get to the bottom of the situation.

No on demand content available at this time

Included with Fubo