From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

Royal Crackers

S2, EP1 "Fight for J. Davis High"

When Royal Crackers gets removed from school lunch for a more healthy alternative, it polarises the town. Battle lines are drawn, and the Hornsbys find themselves fighting a war they don't know if they can win.

Super Dave

S5, EP6 "Casino Circus"

Casino circus; yo-yo and lip sync; billboards.

T and T

S3, EP11 "A Place in History"

Turner doubts a custodian who claims to be a legendary gangster.

Super Dave

S5, EP7 "Health Expo"

Celine Dion performs; Super Dave hosts a health and fitness expo complete with a health food pavilion.

Super Dave

S5, EP8 "Senior Citizen's Amusement Park"

Jeff Dunham; horror house.

Bob and Margaret

S1, EP11 "Discomfort of Strangers"

Margaret and Bob try for some romance, but their plans are foiled by a visit from Bob's Canadian cousin.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP11 "Crop Circles"

The most difficult part of racing foreign spies to discover the truth of mysterious crop circles: babysitting a child.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP12 "Invisible Man"

The Psi Cops team falls in love with an invisible person despite Eric's rude assertions that this person does not exist.

No on demand content available at this time

Included with Fubo