From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

Bob and Margaret

S1, EP13 "Neighbours"

Bob and Margaret introduce themselves to the new neighbours next door.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP17 "Illuminaughty"

Boobs help wealthy immortal beings stay enthused.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP18 "Stake Out"

A stake out is the best way to catch a vampire.

Delta State

S1, EP10 "Blast From the Past"

The lives of four super-powered heroes with memory loss.

Super Dave

S1, EP3 "Vehicle Safety Centre -- Buckle Up"

A juggler performs; importance of seat belt safety; people impersonate celebrities.

Super Dave

S1, EP4 "Super Ride Straight To Hell"

The Smothers Brothers; John Davidson; the Super Dave Players perform plastic surgery on celebrities' pets.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP17 "Illuminaughty"

Boobs help wealthy immortal beings stay enthused.

PSI Cops!

S1, EP18 "Stake Out"

A stake out is the best way to catch a vampire.

No on demand content available at this time

Included with Fubo