From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

King of the Hill

S5, EP4 "Spin the Choice"

Bobby refuses to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving after learning about its history from John Redcorn.

King of the Hill

S7, EP4 "Goodbye Normal Jeans"

Bobby challenges Peggy for supremacy in the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day, and Peggy responds by kidnapping his turkey.

American Dad!

S16, EP3 "Stan Moves to Chicago"

Stan moves to Chicago to become a comic while Steve and Hayley host Roger for a nice night in.

American Dad!

S16, EP4 "Shakedown Steve"

Steve and Jeff try to bond as brothers while the rest of the family visits an escape room.

Bob's Burgers

S14, EP3 "The Pickleorette"

Bob and Linda help Gretchen throw her sister's bachelorette party; Tina forces Gene and Louise to play a board game they found on the street.

Bob's Burgers

S14, EP4 "Running Down a Gene"

Gene tries to learn how to lucid dream in order to recover the world's most perfect song that he wrote while asleep; Louise and Tina try to trap a cricket whose chirping is keeping Linda up at night.

Family Guy Six Packs

S22, EP3 "A Stache From the Past"

When Peter loses the Griffins' home in a reverse mortgage, he and Mayor West travel to confront the man advertising the scheme, Tom Selleck; Stewie and Brian open a booth at the flea market, leading to a rivalry with Bruce.

Family Guy Six Packs

S22, EP5 "Old World Harm"

Peter and Lois holiday in Florida, only to discover they've rented a condo in a retirement community; Brian helps Stewie take his first shower.

No on demand content available at this time

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