From original animated comedies to live action programming, Adult Swim content is an unexpected blend of authenticity, originality, and cleverness. Engaging audiences through a bold and irreverent voice, Adult Swim offers an immersive experience that places fans at the centre, bringing together comedy, gaming, music and live events.

Bob's Burgers

S1, EP7 "Bed & Breakfast"

With a long weekend approaching, Linda spots an opportunity to make the most of the tourist traffic by starting a bed and breakfast. However, when the reservations are filled by some shady characters, Louise reacts by planting listening devices all over the house.

Family Guy Six Packs

S2, EP8 "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar"

Peter receives sensitivity training at a women's retreat after he tells some tasteless jokes at work.

Family Guy Six Packs

S2, EP9 "If I'm Dyin', I'm Lyin'"

When Peter's favourite show, `Gumbel 2 Gumbel', faces cancellation, he takes drastic measures to save it. Using Chris as bait for `The Make-a-Dream-Come-True' foundation. Peter tells them that Chris' dying wish is that the show is renewed. However, when the foundation arrives to check up on Chris' `tumoursyphillis-itis-osis', Peter panics and tells them that Chris was miraculously cured.

King of the Hill

S2, EP5 "Jumpin' Crack Bass (It's a Gas, Gas, Gas)"

Hank unknowingly buys crack as fishing bait and is arrested for buying drugs. Guest voice: campaign adviser James Carville.

King of the Hill

S2, EP6 "Husky Bobby"

Bobby finds success as a model for husky children's clothes, much to the dismay of Hank. Voices of Mike Judge, Kathy Najimy, Pamela Segall and Brittany Murphy.

Rick and Morty

S2, EP3 "Auto Erotic Assimilation"

When Rick, Morty and Summer respond to a distress signal, Rick reunites with an old flame. Meanwhile, Jerry discovers a secret hatch in the garage.

Rick and Morty

S2, EP4 "Total Rickall"

The Smith house is locked down after parasites threaten to take over the world by implanting fake memories and multiplying through flashbacks.

Robot Chicken

S2, EP11 "Adoption's an Option"

The Fantanas take a trip to the Middle East, Pegasus encounters a demented girl, it's home time for ET, and Inspector Gadget loses it.

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